          國民大會:女強人寂寞心!?(1/5) 20090514 4:58/7:10You need to do your duty to kill that American werewolve 宜蘭民宿s slaved white trash who tool your Chinese name "Done.Wheel.Wen" to abuse your T 網路行銷V program to spread American werewolves lies to fool your stupid bad ugly evil Taiwanese to threaten yo 宜蘭民宿ur First Lady to follow American Werewolves slaved Obama link low lower lowest in order to enlarge their shameless cold cold ha 酒店工作rd "Way.Food.Boot.Ren" crimes. Kill that shameless "Done.Wheel.Wen" immediately for the crime she dare abuse your TV program to kiss the richest 房屋買賣most powerful forceful famous White House Master's backer that shameless slave American black Obama's shameless wife's ass in front of public eyes. Not me 宜蘭民宿ntion that shameless White House official must not be allowed to have any link with any Taiwanese. That shameless "Done.Wheel.Wen" cannot even have that common sense to see that poin 澎湖民宿t of view dare wear "Sin.Lead.1.10" title to get the path and stick to show up in front the screen to recommon you that sucking US official, to kiss that sucking American werewolves's slavery headed wife 太平洋房屋 ass, to press, threaten your Free minded self-esteem First Lady in Taiwan, that sucking white trash slaved "Done.Wheel.Wen" must be killed immediately. "Boot.Yao.Lyan.The. [Done.Wheel.Wen], I curse her and all her paren 整合負債ts's ten generations's parents's parents must be locked deepest darkest along with Obama entire family members.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 當鋪  .

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