99年5月5日食譜 今天的特別企劃是:台灣新媳婦!外國媽媽特別企劃! 老饕:徐天麟、林美慧、谷懷萱 菜單↓一、肉醬通心粉v.s素滷肉飯肉醬通心粉材料 房地產:主材料:洋蔥1顆、蒜頭1個、螺旋狀義大利通心粉、豬絞肉300公克、蕃 永慶房屋茄醬大罐1罐、蕃茄糊小瓶1瓶調味料:鹽巴少許、粗黑胡椒?東森房屋硈\、奧勒岡少許、羅勒葉少許素滷肉飯材料:主材料:乾香菇大朵5朵、紅蘿蔔1條、麵輪適 台灣房屋量、白飯調味料:醬油肉醬通心粉作法:1.洋蔥切丁,蒜頭拍碎備用。2.將螺旋麵入滾水中煮6~8分至熟。3.鍋中爆香蒜頭等,放 看房子入絞肉炒熟,再加入蕃茄醬、蕃茄糊等拌炒,最後灑奧勒岡等即完成肉醬。(*加入蕃茄糊可以增加濃稠感。)4.盤中放上螺旋麵,再淋上肉醬,灑起司粉即可 新成屋。素滷肉飯作法:1.香菇、紅蘿蔔切絲備用。2.起油鍋爆香香菇,放入紅蘿蔔拌炒,再加入麵輪炒熟後,加入醬油炒出香氣。(*加入麵輪可以替代肉類和增加口感。)3.將炒好的料淋在飯上即可。二 廬山住宿、蕃茄雞肉 v.s烏龍雞湯蕃茄雞肉材料:主材料:蕃茄5粒、雞胸肉1塊、洋蔥2個、蒜頭、青椒1個、香菜、紅蘿蔔1條調味料:柴魚粉、鹽烏龍雞湯材料:主材料:雞腿1隻、栗子、紅棗、枸杞調味料:烏龍茶葉、鹽蕃茄雞肉作法: 廬山飯店1.起油鍋爆香蒜頭等,再加入青椒、蕃茄煮軟,再下紅蘿蔔略煮。2.起鍋前以柴魚粉等調味,放上香菜即可。(加入柴魚粉可以增加鮮味。)烏龍雞湯作法:1.雞腿切塊,汆燙備用。 2.水煮滾後放入雞肉、紅棗、栗子等煮半小時,再倒入烏龍 廬山溫泉茶水煮一下即可。(加入栗子可以增加香氣和甜味。) ◎想知道今天的外國媽媽們會做哪些料理呢?那就鎖定今晚7點冰冰好料理唷。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 花蓮旅遊  .

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          員林-原合香(已休業) 員林-原合香(已休業) 記得唸國中時「原合香」是位?面膜騕埵言奕鶞瑰R 借貸修路上的路邊攤 一會兒遷移至南邊,沒多久又搬遷 術後面膜至北邊.. 目前遷移至和平街行政院農業委員會農糧署中區分署(糧食局)對面! 買 591乾麵一份是以紙盒裝置! 打開紙盒看到我買的:乾麵+油豆腐+滷蛋+辣=$35元 將油豆腐、滷 ARMANI蛋拿起來另外放置,再將乾麵伴勻 油豆腐一個$5元,滷蛋一粒$5元 ~ 很便宜喔 ^^ 大腸豬血湯裡有:大腸、豬血、筍絲?帛琉B香菜、胡椒粉 從學生時代至今在「原合香」我最愛的是乾麵、油豆腐及大腸豬血湯 老闆娘會在乾麵裡加上豆芽菜、韭菜再淋上肉燥醬汁 油豆腐滷得透香,大 租房子腸豬血湯裡有筍絲增加一些酸度 這些就是嗜好重口味的我 ~ 每次必點的便宜美食小吃 原合香 營業時間:上午6:30~中午3:00 地址:彰化縣員林鎮和平街10-6號隔 裝潢壁  .

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          京劇--旗頭梳法 京劇--旗頭梳法 上海戲劇學院 京劇旗頭梳法扮相 指導示範老師:周蘭芳老師  信用卡代償 旗裝頭,採用?好房網M朝滿族(旗人)婦女”?把頭”(大拉翅 租房子)的髮式,是花旦扮演的旗裝戲通用於,金,清各時期女真族 小型辦公室,?族后妃,?婦,?女束髮於頭頂梳成“?髻”或“一字髻”(?把?)的髮式。其型制分 長灘島?式:旗頭座和?把頭。辛亥革命後,旗袍仍很流行。戲曲受其影響,旗裝成為一種驅勢的打扮。旗裝頭髮型?小額信貸憬煄A頭飾華麗。 旗頭座,挽束頭髮,將其盤結於頭頂上,髻形似覆碗。用鐵絲做骨架塗黑漆,假髮包裹,髻呈前高後低,直? 裝潢長?12厘米,高約8厘米,?插壓鬢簪?根。以插戴不同的頭飾,來顯示身份貧富。 梳旗頭座材料: 1.頭髮簾 2.網子 3.燕尾  4.水?  5.旗頭座  節能燈具 6.壓鬢簪?根   7.竹扦子四根 梳旗頭座程序: 1. 繫頭髮簾 2. 扣網子 3. 繫燕尾 4. 繫水? 5. 上旗頭座 6. 包水? 7. 梳頭髮簾 8. 插頭 買屋網面 戲曲梳裝課--梳旗裝頭(圖) 轉自2005戲曲容裝 (2007-07-20 21:24:06) 資料來源: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4bdd8e 2a 010009b1.html 戲曲梳頭裝扮師傅老師都是非常了不起的! 禮服  .

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          八月份的精神糧食97 2008.08.15 老師的十二樣見面禮/簡媜/印刻出版公司簡介與感想: 這本書是作家簡媜因為丈夫的學術交流,帶著孩子遠赴美國科羅拉多州旅居四個月,原本只是和親友們的e-mail往返寫下在美的生活點滴,但因著孩子帶回來的學校訊息,讓她心情有著不同的變化,從美國的小學教育、一些基礎建設、對弱勢的照顧,讓她看到異國文化中重視的品格與價值觀,心中難免與自己的祖國台灣做比較,從別人的教育現場、,激發每個母親 都會有的關注與擔憂,多希望我們台灣的教育也能有別人的好,她把自己假想為外派種芽家庭之一,去報告旅行中關於小學教育的種種見聞實錄,希望也能讓別的父母、老師內心及行動都能產生一些感覺與變化。身為一個母親及一位教師,其實看著這樣內容的書,的確會有更強烈的感受,台灣的父母或是小學老師並不是不好,大家也都有著教育愛與熱忱,但為什麼還是做的不好,我總覺得是社會、政治環境生病了,讓我們的教育無法落實在現實生活中,看著簡媜在內心掙扎著「留與不留」,這樣的心情正是我們這樣的教育者及父母常有的矛盾衝突,我們希望孩子能快樂學習、過的充實,也知道分數不代表一切,但又深深害怕孩子被現實給折磨,而這現實的價值觀正是這個社會給的。我想看過了這本書,也許還是無法改變大環境太多,但我想接觸的老師、家長或許內心都會有某個地方稍稍轉變了,那也許就是某個孩子受惠了,撇開這些無力改變的,主題中國外學校老師給的這十二項禮物,還是可以 有巢氏房屋給予孩子一些價值上的思考與改變,甚至是給我們大人思考反省的點。 這十二項禮物中我最喜愛的是橡皮筋及OK繃,因為我一直覺得保持一顆彈性的心是很重要的,這樣可以讓自己吸納更多,也可以讓自己和別人都好過些;而OK繃的作用也在此,再堅強的人還是需要別人撫慰,所以有時安慰自己也別忘了對別人伸出援手。其次銅板、牙籤和巧克力我也喜歡其意涵,肯定自己的價值,看到別人的長處都是同等重要。至於我喜愛巧克力,不是真的愛巧克力這樣食物,而是它讓我想起朋友為了鼓勵我,給我的巧克力熱飲,真的溫暖了我的心,所以當自己或朋友沮喪時,別忘了給個巧克力,溫暖自己或朋友的心。當然對於一個老師或父母,最後一項禮物~救生圈,是很重要的,在孩子需要時,適時給予支持與協助,有時小小的舉動或是簡短的話語,可能就救了一個孩子。 如果是你,會想給孩子什麼樣的見面禮呢? 觸動內心的句子: *老師的十二樣見面禮 1.牙籤:挑出別人的長處。 2.橡皮筋:保持彈性,每件事都能完成。 3.ok繃:恢復別人以及自己受傷的感情。 4.鉛筆:寫下你每天的願望。 5.橡皮擦:每個人都會犯錯,沒關係的。 6.口香糖:堅持下去就能完成工作。而且當你嘗試時,你會得到樂趣。 7.棉花球:提醒你這間教室充滿和善的言語與溫暖的感情。 8.巧克力:當你沮 土地買賣喪時會讓你舒服些。 9.面紙:幫別人擦乾眼淚。 10金線:記得用友情把我們的心綁在一起。 11銅板:提醒你,你是有價值而且特殊的。 12救生圈(糖果)當你需要談一談,可以來找我。 *此地秋季最重要的美學佈道會是上洛磯山賞白楊樹黃葉,這是不能錯過的年度盛事。其慎重之狀近似告誡,彷彿錯過約定尚可原諒,錯過美的召喚等於犯罪,該坐一年心煩意亂的牢。p.147 *美,從來不等任何人,除了把握別無他途。p.148 *辦教育,真的要放下種種成人世界的薰習、怠惰、嗔怨、計較、焦躁與姿態,每一天一進校門便身為純潔天使,一切以學生的學習與成長為「最高指導原則」,從學生的角度體察、施行,要不厭其煩,不怕任何細節。 2008.08.17 三杯茶/葛瑞格.摩頓森&大衛.奧利佛.瑞林/馬可孛羅文化簡介與感想: 一個人到底有多少力量可以改變別人的生命?可以改變世界?從這本書你可以看到一個人有了真心的承諾,可以發揮及影響多少;書中主角摩頓森原來是個登山家,1993攀登世界第二高峰K2時發生意外,與隊友們失去連絡,只留下他一人,沒有水也沒有食物。十分幸運地,他在巴基斯坦山區的一個偏僻小村落被救起,而且在村民的細心照護下,他的身體得以康復。被村民的善良所感動的摩頓森發現,當地小孩只能坐在戶外髒汙的泥地上上課。村民窮到沒錢聘請老師。摩頓森於是承諾一定會回來為他們辦所學?永慶房屋捸C村民們其實習慣很多人來此做了承諾,回到富裕的文明世界就忘了曾經的許諾,可是摩頓森卻一直心繫著這樣的承諾,全來自於村民當初給的三杯茶:「敬上第一杯茶,你是一個陌生人,再奉第二杯茶,你是我們的朋友;第三杯茶,你是我的家人,我將用生命來保護你」村民的真心也換得摩頓森真心的實現承諾,十多年來,他放棄自己的日常生活享受,在這辛苦漫長實現承諾的旅程中,他實現的不只是一所學校,而是在巴基斯坦、阿富汗及西藏山區蓋了數十所學校,更重要的是他讓許多的女孩得以上學受教育,「一個早逝女孩的生命,讓另一群女孩擁有改變世界的力量」這是他紀念早逝妹妹的方式,我想這是最有意義的方式。 這本書也許不算是什麼扣人心弦,辭藻華麗的文學作品,卻在閱讀過程中卻常讓我不自覺的流淚,很難說明那哭點在哪裡,有時是因為他們的真性情,有時是因為看到摩頓森如此奉獻~為一些跟自己沒有血緣甚至是沒有任關係的人,犧牲自己的日常生活享受、犧牲與家人的相處,甚至是冒著生命危險去做這些事,那種感動真的是讓人忍不住紅了眼眶。常常我們認為自己的力量卑微,覺得影響改變不了社會、世界許多,但我們說的時候,摩頓森已經用行動在「做」些什麼了,也因為如此,我更覺得自己至少要把看完這本書的想法感覺寫下,至少能將書中的感動、理念傳達出去,如果有一個人受影響、受感動,誰知道又會對哪些人產生的影響。 書裡除了摩頓森的實現 系統傢俱承諾過程讓我感動,更讓我有所感觸的是,面對仇恨,人們常以武力、暴力、報復的方式來回應,就像九一一事件後,美國人把每個巴基斯坦人都是為仇人,認為開戰是唯一的方式,就像書裡所說,美國真正的敵人是無知,唯一方式的和這些地區的人民建立關係,以及透過教育及商業帶他們進入現代社會。是阿!沒人想到教育才是對付仇恨最好的方式,他們受了教育不再無知,就不會被一些盲目的宗教學校所控制,這才是最好方式。而美國人甚至其他文明國家的人,其實也不用太過高傲的自以為自己高人一等,是要帶領他們學習的,就像摩頓森在和當地人蓋學校時,也體認到「不要自以為是的要教他們什麼」這是他們的生活環境,他們自有他們生存之道,其實我們也在學習呢! 當我看著「老師的十二樣見面禮」時,我想著是我們的教育要給孩子些什麼,但當我看完這本書時,我想到的是這些地方的小孩連受教育的機會都沒有,更不用談要給他們什麼,多少孩子因為有學校可以上學而感到欣喜,有多少小孩因為拿到那簡單的一枝筆或筆記本而雀躍,真是令人感慨!如果我們的孩子也能有這樣的世界觀,瞭解世界上其他小孩的生活,也許他們也會感受到他們已接受到太多的禮物了。 觸動內心的句子: *在他們的生活中,要得到每一件事物都要經過掙扎。p.38 *敬上第一杯茶,你是一個陌生人,再奉第二杯茶,你是我們的朋友;第三杯茶,你是我的家人,我將用生命來保護你  *要花時間喝三杯茶,慢下來,像重 帛琉視蓋學校一樣的重視和工人間的關係。讓我之道從和我一起工作的人身上,我有太多要學的,而不是自以為是的要教給他們什麼。 *那些羊都死了、被吃掉後許久,這間學校還會在這裡;他今天拿走了食物,但是我們的孩子永遠會有教育。 *男孩子接受教育之後,通常會離開村子到城市找工作,但女孩子會來在村子里成為社區的領導人物,並且將所學再傳承下去;如果我們真想改變當地文化、讓婦女獲得力量、改善基本衛生環境、醫療照顧與嬰兒的高死亡率,答案就是要教育女孩。 2008.08.23 小靈魂與太陽/ Neale.Donald.Walsch/方智出版社簡介與感想: 這是一本很特別的圖畫書,雖然原本的設定是童書,但不同年齡層的人看應該都會有些不同的認識與體會,我覺得是一本跟「先知」一樣好看的書,但更簡單有力進入看的人的內心。從一個小靈魂與上帝的對話,讓我們重新去認識自己也重新看待我們周遭的人事物,我想我們很少從這樣的角度去看:當我們要認識一樣事物時,一定要先認識與他相反的東西;所以我們認為的「好」的與「壞」的人事物,其實都有其存在的意義,都是愛。從書裡我們知道每個人都是特別的,雖然特別並不代表「比較好」,但卻代表每個人都有每個人的好;從故事中小靈魂想去體驗「寬恕」而衍生出來的故事,給我有很大的衝擊,是阿!為了讓你體驗「寬恕」可能就必須有人做了讓你可原諒可寬恕的事,所以從這角度來看,我們所經歷到的一些傷害我們人事物,其實也是愛的展現,因為這些人事 找房子物的出現,是為了讓我們學習「寬恕」,這真的讓我深深感動,也讓我重新去認知這些需要被寬恕原諒的人事物;而友善的靈魂對小靈魂所說的那段話,為了讓小靈魂體驗自己,他必須假裝作惡來讓小靈魂寬恕,在這過程中也許會因為假裝而忘卻了原本的自己,所以他希望小靈魂能記得原本的自己,這段話給了我很大的衝擊,我們有沒有回頭去看看原本的自己,這「自己」包含本身以及那個傷害我們的人事物。 我想「認識自己」真的是人生最大的任務,也是最美好最困難的事情,在認識自己的過程中,也許我們真的該重新看待那些我們經歷過的人事物,沒有他們,我們怎能真的認識自己呢? 觸動內心的句子: *討厭的人竟然讓我們的性情更完善平和,那個討厭的人正是我們上個生命週期中約好來相會的天使哩! *幼稚悲愁的人總期待著被忍耐、被理解和被寬恕,而真正認識自己的人總是滿心充滿著忍耐、理解和寬恕,這其中只差一個「被」字就差很多! *只有在黑暗中做「亮光」才能體會做「亮光」的滋味,才能成為真正的「亮光」。 *只有當你選擇害怕時才會。沒有一樣東西會讓人害怕,除非你決定要如此。 *為了能體驗每一件事情,所有事情的相反面便將呈現出來。 *「特別」不意味著「比較好」。每一個生命都是特別的,都有他們自己的特色。 *請記得我們真正是誰。 2008.08.23 小靈魂與地球/ Neale.Donald.Walsch/方智出版社 簡介與感想: 繼「小靈魂與太陽」之後,作者又寫下了小靈魂的探險,這回小靈魂來到了地 辦公室出租球有了身體, 準備用他的身體來體驗和創造生活經驗,首先他就先學習到「信心」和「原諒」,而且透過「笑容」把愛傳出去,這些東西也許我們太視為理所當然而忘記了,當我們用「心」去看這本書時,好像像是小靈魂一樣,重新再去認識再去學習這些信念,希望這樣的感覺再度回到我們心中,從愛別人、寬恕別人中學會愛自己、寬恕自己。 觸動內心的句子: *每個人都有個守護天使,這個守護天使就是自己的良心,人必須常常與自己對話,檢視自己的良心,確信沒有違背上天送我們來地球上走一遭的目的。 *這世界並不完美,但他仍可以是天堂。 *真正給出愛的方法就是寬恕別人。無論我們在這世界上追求的是財富、聲望、美貌、成就...最終的目的其實都是在尋求愛,而且是自己對自己的愛。因為我們還未學會真正的愛自己,所以我們追求別人的愛,藉由他們的愛,來找到愛自己的感覺。透過愛別人、寬恕別人,我們才能慢慢地學會愛自己、寬恕自己。 *「生命」是你絕佳的創造與體驗機會;「身體」是你好棒的生活創造與經驗工具;「滿懷信心的許願」是美夢成真的最高效運作法則;「愛」是宇宙最大的力量,而愛的給予和接受是最美妙的體驗。 *你想像中的每件事,可以真實到你去做就會實現。 *你的身體不是你,是用身體去經驗人生。 *你要相信你會永遠心想事成,絕對必要的是「信心」。 *我要如何得到更多愛?把愛送出去就好了。 *當你含笑誠摯地看著別人的時候,你就是在把愛送出去。 *微笑是最好的禮物,每個收到微笑的人 信用貸款都會很高興。 *原諒別人是把愛送出去最好的方法。 2008.08.24 認得幾個字/張大春/印刻出版社簡介與感想: 我們常自以為受了教育就識得字了,但我們究竟識得幾個字呢?有大多數的字我們是望文生義,指鹿為馬,如果不求甚解,有太多字我們終其一生都是誤解或未曾真的認識;張大春透過與孩子的互動,常常因此又重新去學習去認識這些字,而文字除了當初的意義之外,在不同時代又有了新的意義,透過孩子們的童言童語,說文解字變成一則則有趣的生活故事,有時更凸顯了大人的無趣(每個是件都要機會教育一般阿!)以及小孩子們自有其解讀文字與人生,或許等到孩子們長大,又落入無趣的大人心態中(就像張大春跟他爸爸一樣下棋時話多阿!)雖然就像書中張大春兒子張容說的「你又不是在學校,幹嘛那麼有學問」大家都知道出了學校就什麼都不必學不必問了,不過對於愛看書的人,文字總是有其說不出的魅力阿! 恩!保持探究之心,這一輩子可能還有機會多識得幾個字呢! 觸動內心的句子: *語文教育不是一種單純的溝通技術教育,也不只是一種孤立的審美教育,他是整體生活文化的一個總反應。p.60 *重要的不是中文程度、或任何一科的程度,重要的也不是哪一本書或哪些非讀不可的好書,重要的是你和你的孩子能不能一頓晚飯吃兩個鐘頭,無話不談。p.71 *有機會跟兒子說話時注意自己的談吐水準和內容,孩子是麵團,家長是印模,久之自會從孩子身上看到自己的模印成績。p.72 *「幸福」不是個已完成的狀態,是一個渴望的過程,而且往往不會實現。p. 裝潢80 *頂嘴是獨立思考之始p.113 *是誰發明了「難道」這個幾乎沒有意義卻絕難對付的語詞p.133 *父母之間毫無惡意的拌嘴卻「示範」了一種「柔性無禮」的言談模式。p.134 *文字不合理會寫不下去,口語不合理就只好隨便說說。p.151 *對世界抱持著充分好奇的同時,孩子也開始在提問之間累積偏見。p.192 *一旦有了秘密,人就差不多該知道自己長大了,快有煩惱了。 *「讀書幹嘛?」另一個答案~一起分享了某種知識的人自有其相互會心的秘密樂趣。p.213 2008.08.27 健康輕料理~超低脂私房美饌/林望/木馬文化出版簡介與感想: 作者原是喜好高脂美食者後來因為沒有注意控制脂肪的攝取量,罹患了脂肪肝且又染上急性膽囊炎,因為吃了不少苦頭,便徹底反省自己的飲食習慣,決定對生活態度作全面的改革,執行超低脂飲食,自行下廚,料理改成以日式且以蔬菜為主的低脂飲食,因此在十個月內減輕十,脂肪肝也消失了公斤,透過健康的低脂飲食,體重減輕後,作者健步如飛,許多原有的身體毛病都消失了,所以作者認為問題不在於能否達成,而是個人想不想去做罷了,是阿!飲食習慣的改變,有時不是那樣容易,但重要的在於決心與毅力。在本書中作者談論著自己對於食物的一些想法與觀感,並穿插著一些他自己做的超低脂料理,創作著健康又美味的低脂飲食;整體而言,這本書內容也像超低脂食物一般容易閱讀消化,一些料理方式也能給我一些做菜的靈感。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 居酒屋  .

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          [體驗]易夏貼酷酷鞋內貼讓我的腳ㄚ子給我24小時全天候的清爽芬芳 愛美的女生喜愛每天精心打扮美美的裝扮出門 時常想展現美美的裝扮.尤其穿著高根鞋時.又不想穿著襪子但又很擔心自?西裝v的腳ㄚ子冒汗出現異味 嗎? 出現異味時.讓自己尷尬之於又壞了好心情!易夏貼鞋內貼讓你不 房屋買賣用穿襪子也有乾爽 的腳ㄚ子! 原本試用 的商品有鞋內貼跟安全帽貼.因為之從當媽之後邁入黃臉婆的角色 還蠻想體 售屋網驗安全帽貼.因為時常騎車出門往市場及賣場 但意外的發現鞋內貼的好用之處.就跟著我一起來體驗吧! 專為高跟鞋止滑設計以0.1公分隱密設 關鍵字廣告計.讓鞋底芬芳清爽一整天 每盒有3雙(6片)包裝讓腳ㄚ子可以持續24h分解異味 獨家特色 ◎獨創紡織消臭科技,絕非一般鞋墊可比擬 ◎超薄1mm貼心隱密設計,使用最安 租屋心 ◎24小時續分解鞋內異味,最適合上班、出遊使用 ◎科技止滑定位技術,專為愛高跟鞋的妳研發 專家建議!14天替換新的鞋墊貼,可以保持最佳產品使用效果! 打開包裝時.鞋內貼還有一層 景觀設計密封夾包裝著 鞋內貼分成三大張.一張剛好是一雙的鞋內貼.左右腳各一 而且薄度真的超薄的.比存值卡還要薄! 撕貼下來也很方便.易撕也很好貼 沒想到貼在我心愛的鞋子還蠻搭的 整個變成都是同系列的款式 往?室內設計熄K一看.薄薄的一層.不明顯.穿脫整天也不會有付擔輕薄一片.能吸收汗水及分解異味.鞋墊貼以吸汗除臭 纖維製作而成 表面加上一層透氣網層,穿起來更耐磨.更透氣 穿脫時候.腳ㄚ子不會感覺到悶熱.容易出汗 我屬於一穿包鞋款就容易 術後面膜出腳汗的人.而且一穿上鞋就怕尷尬當眾脫鞋 同時表面的防滑網層還能穿鞋走路時不滑動,行走時更加舒適輕鬆 用了鞋內貼.穿上鞋子.不會感覺很明顯的 薄薄的一層.即乎感覺不到鞋內貼的存在 尤其是愛美的女性.穿上高跟鞋的時候.整個身體的重量 系統傢俱幾乎都由雙腳的前腳掌在承擔 對女生來說是個沉重的負擔而鞋內貼穿起來很舒適.走起路來也很輕鬆自在 易夏貼.讓我酷酷又美美的自由穿搭.不用穿襪也能一整天腳ㄚ不臭臭 簡單.方便.輕輕鬆鬆 往內一貼.搞定異味問題.而且止滑又芬芳! 〔以上心得分享,純屬個人感受,僅供參考 西裝 〕  .

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          逢甲夜市~吃喝篇 到台中,一定要來逛逛逢甲夜市~吃~吃~吃不停~~~真 happy! 到ㄌ逢甲夜市,從福星路進入,巷口舉滿廣告標示,右轉進 酒店打工去巷弄裡, 別看這條小小ㄉ巷 開幕活動弄,擠滿一攤攤美食,每家店前,都排滿ㄌ許多等著美食ㄉ客?室內裝潢Hㄋ! 這家超有名ㄉ~黃金賊$65~ 厚厚ㄉ小卷裡包著飯,一定要熱熱ㄉ才好吃ㄛ! 很 西裝外套多客人是一邊吃著美食,一邊排隊,等著下一個ㄋ! ~爆醬壽司球$60/6粒~等ㄌ最久ㄉ一攤,快20分鐘! ~原味起 酒店兼職司口味~還是要熱熱吃才好吃ㄛ! 因為買ㄌ2盒,另一盒回到家吃ㄉ時候,壽司球已變ㄉ有點硬,起司也冷掉ㄌ,口感差很多ㄋ! ~無骨雞 關鍵字行銷腿排$70(含沙拉)~這個我很愛ㄋ! 沙拉我選ㄌ和風醬,酸酸甜甜ㄉ,可解膩,和雞排很搭ㄛ! 好喝又大杯ㄉ~豆漿紅茶$20,生意也是一樣好ㄉ嚇嚇叫! 這家無骨炸雞 澎湖民宿排,也排ㄌ好長ㄉ隊伍, 因為現在大特價,買$50送給50,買$100送給100,很划算ㄋ! 份量很多,雞肉吃起來,口感很紮實,炸粉不會很厚~好吃! 離開這巷子,繼續往前走,大約在中間段, ~ 禮服小A起司洋芋~不吃一定會後悔!~推~推~推~ 我點ㄉ~綜合起司$60~ 寧願肥死,也不要錯過ㄉ一道美食!洋芋好軟爛,真ㄉ好好吃ㄛ~ ~烤鴨夾餅$50~ 這攤滷味,也很讚ㄋ!每串只要$10元,想吃什麼,就拿什麼,非常平?租屋灥x一攤! 這攤就位在福星路口,生意好到不行,老板娘一邊滷菜,一邊說著大陸口音,賣力ㄉ叫賣著! 只見老闆也在一旁忙著補貨,停都停不下來ㄋ~ 這樣一大盤只要$110~哇!便宜又好吃! 結論 : 想要減肥ㄉ人,千萬別來逛逢甲夜市,保證破功 房地產!  .

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          羊肉去膻的十個妙計 羊肉去膻的十個妙計 www.XINHUANET.com  2005年07月01日 14:10:56  來源:新民晚報 羊肉的營養價值很高,色鮮味美,人們都很愛吃,但羊肉的膻 褐藻醣膠味影響了不少人的食欲。羊肉膻味主要來自羊肉中的揮發性脂肪酸,若在烹調前設法 褐藻醣膠將其除掉或緩解,便可去除或減輕羊肉膻味。現介紹幾種除膻法,以供選用。 一、蘿蔔去膻法將白蘿?襯衫麻W上幾個洞,放入冷水中和羊肉同煮,滾開後將羊肉撈出,再單獨烹調,即可去除膻味。 二、米醋去膻法將羊肉切塊放入 術後面膜水中,加點米醋,待煮沸後撈出羊肉,再繼續烹調,也可去除羊肉膻味。 三、綠豆去膻法煮羊肉時,若放入少許綠豆,亦可去除或減輕羊肉膻味。 票貼 四、咖喱去膻法燒羊肉時,加入適量咖喱粉,一般以1000克羊肉放半包咖喱粉為宜,煮熟煮透後即為沒有膻味的咖喱羊肉。 五、料酒去膻法將生羊肉用冷水浸洗幾遍後, 小型辦公室切成片、絲或小塊裝盤,然後每500克羊肉用料酒50克、小蘇打25克、食鹽10克、白糖10克、味精5克、清水250克拌勻,待羊肉充分吸收調料後,再取蛋清3個、澱粉50克上漿備用。過些時候,料酒和小蘇打可充 帛琉分去除羊肉中的膻味。 六、藥料去膻法燒煮羊肉時,用紗布包好碾碎的丁香、砂仁、豆蔻、紫蘇等同煮,不但可以去膻,還可使羊肉具有獨特的風味。 七、浸泡除膻法將羊肉用冷水浸泡2-3天,每天換水2次,使羊肉 商務中心肌漿蛋白中的氨類物質浸出,也可減少羊肉膻味。 八、桔皮去膻法燉羊肉時,在鍋裏放入幾個幹桔皮,煮沸一段時間後撈出棄之,再放入幾個幹桔皮繼續烹煮,也可去除羊肉膻味。 九、核桃去膻法選上幾個質好的核桃,將其打破,放入鍋中與 景觀設計羊肉同煮,也可去膻。 十、山楂去膻法用山楂與羊肉同煮,去除羊肉膻味的效果甚佳。 (文/文龍) 制作?位:新?通?社网?中心 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 賣房子  .

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          新全民運動!~大家都去所在地地檢署按鈴控告台塑中油詐騙空污費!!! 這是刑法詐欺罪 不是一毛兩毛的問題刑事詐欺就是刑事詐欺 不是退錢就沒事的啥叫依法行政? 政府不告中油和台塑我們全民自己來告!!! 全民一起告倒台塑和中油!!! 記者陳思穎/台北報導 因空污費引發的爭議果然不是中油降0.1 面膜元就可以解決的。經濟部長施顏祥9日晚間宣布,基於消費者權益的政策考量,將自10日凌晨零點起再降油價,汽、柴油都是每公升調降0.4元。對於外界不滿中油僅調降0.4元,行政院長吳敦義今(10)日上午?買屋磳隉A經濟部將謹慎務實的核算,「不要去佔消費者便宜,經檢討後該還給消費者的,一毛錢都不要短少」。 為解決外界質疑超收空污費爭議,中油公司8日立即宣布自隔天(9日)起將汽、柴油每公升調降0.1元,不過,油價降0.1元顯 房屋買賣a>然還無法平息這項爭議,之後又再傳出不只98年超收,就連96、97年也可能有類似的情形,甚至連稅費都可能出問題。 經濟部長施顏祥9日晚間表示,浮動油價自95年9月26日開始試行,採中油公司95年9月14日調價的汽、柴油零售價格每公升27.4元及24.2元,扣除 西裝營業稅、貨物稅、石油基金、空污費、土污費、加油站毛利後之稅前批售價格每公升為16.11元及17.23元,當時由零售價所扣減之稅費,其中空污費採第三級、石油基金採成品油費率計算,其稅前價格較低,對消費者最為有利,因此以稅前價計算零售價之各項稅費時,也應以同一方式 商務中心計算較為合理。 而經濟部9日全面檢討浮動油價機制公式中營業稅、貨物稅、石油基金、空污費、土污費後,對於其中空污費及石油基金與實繳有差異的部分,經濟部也說明指出,汽、柴油空污費是依據環保署公告空氣污染防制費收費辦法的第三級(汽油每公升0.19元、柴油每公升0.20元)來計算油價。 84年 房地產7月至88年3月空污費是由環保署委託中油代徵,期間每年支付中油代徵手續費約1,200萬元;自88年4月後,依據空污法第16條第1項第2款規定,改由中油按煉油廠出廠量直接繳交予環保署,因此已非屬代徵性質,環保署也未再支付中油代徵手續費。而中油油價公式所採計的空污費與實際繳交金額有所差異,96至98年分別約4億、6億及10億元, 網路行銷由於中油認為空污費非屬代徵性質,應為生產者製程改善成果,其歸屬尚有不同意見。 至於石油基金部分,中油在浮動油價公式中是採汽、柴油成品油石油基金,旦中油汽、柴油是以進口原油來煉製,實際繳交原油的石油基金依進口種類、煉油廠各種不同工場之製程,產出不同比例的汽柴油等成品油及石化產品,進口原油所繳交的石油基金無法以固定方 小型辦公室式分攤至汽、柴油,為求油價公式簡單明確,因而採計汽柴油成品油之石油基金為基準。依中油油價公式所採計的汽柴油石油基金與依原油費率繳交金額有所差異,96~98年分別約9億、10億及8億元。 儘管經濟部與中油公司做了許多的解釋,但最後還是表示,基於消費者權益之政策考量,決定將差異金額回饋消費者,空污費每公升約0.2元(含2月9日調降之0.1元),石油基金每公升約0.25元,將 關鍵字廣告自10日零點起同時調降汽柴油每公升0.4元。未來並將於每年1月在檢討前一年度各項稅費,並於檢討後列入浮動油價公式中計算。 對於因空污費中油公司將再降價0.4元,但有人認為仍不足以反映空污費,吳揆今日視察台北漁產公司漁市拍賣市場及台北農產公司果菜拍賣市場後表示,合理的價格應該奠定在誠實的基礎上,絕不可以佔消費者便宜,空污費繳交過程中如有因計算錯誤或對於監察院所糾正的事項。 酒店打工  .

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          Chicagoans destroy parking meters to protest huge rate hike Chicagoans destroy parking meters to protest huge rate hike... http://www.drudgereport.com/ Your government must have no right to was 港式飲茶te your tax payers money to buy those meters to take away your Free Parking right, your government must have no right to 台北港式飲茶charge you any money from any public site that you park your car, only powerless citizen like you can have right to charge you 商務中心the parking fee when you park your car block that civilian's shares of right to drive. It is your government's duty to ban any new comer from entering into 宜蘭民宿 your site when that site showed too crowd to afford any more to come, that must mean when your city becomes too crowd, all your city, your State official should be killed and go to 墾丁民宿 hells rather sooner than later. Your government must have no right to charge any fee from any individual, unless that individual is a foreigner invited himself (There's no herself can have right 日月潭民宿 to come to your nation by herself, like Bible stated in the Book Genesis 1:27"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them") to come to your place. Because if 麻辣鍋you the people works free of charge, no one can have right to charge you any fee; if you works for pay check, you are slaved, your government has to charge any fee from that IT slaved or slaves you. That must mean your government must hav 麻辣火鍋e no right to charge you parking fee instead of charge car, gas, retailer, road constructor, building constructor, man made planters...... that "sold out" taken away your natural life to got their shameless selfish special grouped interest suckers, you the p 火鍋吃到飽eople just a bounch of helpless sick weak wicked tooled fooled lifeless slavery mindness that worse than any black slaves ever slaved in USA cotton field.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 盤纏銀兩  .

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          Taiwan military needs do its duty http://www.wretch.cc/blog/angustung726&article_id=14095366 (ref. "angustung726 at March 20 2007 04:32AM comment) Taiwan military, you need do your duty to investigate the above web site blogger or bloggers, because I suspect that web site blogger or bloggers is/are "Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped criminals chained. 1. You should first investigate who the so called "angustung726" is or was or are, is he or she or are they indeed mental related medical expert(s)? 2. You should investigate what that so called "kueiyingwlin" comment(s) posted and then deleted by that so called "angustng726". The blog owner deleted other posters comments is not a big deal, the big deal is blog owner deleted the other side comment(s), yet called the name. It was or is a "Huang.Whore" pattern of crimes, you military must not see it lightly. It can happen to me, it must have had happened to Chiang KaiShake or MouJerDong or Confucius, it may happen to your any military commander. 3. Taiwan military, you need to know "Huang.Whore" gangsters crimes far more serious to collapse you than any your enemy, yet, your civil or criminal court has no way to deal with them, therefore, you must do your duty to make self defense to guard your beloved country to face and deal with them the sooner the better off for all of you. Military needs to know that "Killing" is one of your most heavy duty, you must have the guts to do the tough love kill, you must not like "Fool.Ren.Zhi.Ren" boneless, you must not kill because of hate, you must kill because of love of your country, love of righteousness, love of yourself. Yes, military must have the guts to kill because of loveself, because military life not belongs to self, belongs to your country. You military in TAiwan must learn the lesson from MouJerDong's warriors previous mistakes, do not commit the same related mistakes that MouJerDong's warriors committed, you must make sure you live longer than those "Huang.Whore" gangsters grouped war criminals chained, because your civilians male from boy to young man to old folks most likely already collapsed by those female dressed animals shameless "Huang.Whore" vampires that dried out your future or your near future resourced pools, you must do better tough love than MouJerDong's warriors dare kill all those "Huang.Whore" criminals or suspected criminals gone with wind, Yes, I say - you must kill SUSPECTED "HUang.Whore" criminals, because military must not afford the AMERICAN TIME to wait and see. You must send the biggest "Huang.Whore" criminal Angus Tung to my place to jail with me, because he is the only hope may be curable (Because he has the best good sense that I have had known, his good sense is 信用貸款same as or better than mine, the difference is I am a woman afford live isolated, he is a man with no right to live alone until proved gilty must be jailed alone. Because he has the best good sense, therefore, once he lives with me, he can sense the best point from me to become super man to help cure all your less sicked that still live at that time. ) to back to your country to help you to know how to curable your less evil "Huang.Whore" to help you like long life tomorrow.Taiwan military, you need keep an eye watching any stupid bad ugly evil activilities taking place in Mainland China and help Mainland China "8.6-陸軍" kill as many "Huang.Whore" criminals or suspected criminals as you can. I think you can check the Head 濫 like this - "象山:把美??成?富" [ http://www.fisheryday.com/gb/nbxs/node203/node821/index.html ]to suspect the "Huang.Whore" gangsters slavery chained. You need to know that your sea land all collapsed, do not unrealistically waste money to build any navy by yourself, I know more about them than anyone of you, the best sea man already killed by them, the rest of the skillful already slaved by them, you cannot have good man to fill your navy fleet. You need to investigate who prepare, design and arrange the dress for Angus Tung that showed in :[“半?之夜”大型演唱?](http://www.fisheryday.com/gb/nbxs/node5/node11/node704/userobject1ai66619.html). Because I sensed that dress Angus Tung showed must be an underground chained slavery secret code as "陰陽裝"-尹清楓-楊國祥-莊坤易(886-33-322276.Athletics Department)-殷琪-楊瓊-莊子( I think most likely means 于丹)-高齊之-貧窮-瓶子-李瓊-李平-謝理麗-斜陽-譚陽-檀香山-陽明山-楊弦(楊國祥's art name. ref.[http://ent.qq.com/a/20070912/000040.htm])-唐玄宗-唐高宗-宗宗(one of 林玄女 son's nickname)-宗毓華-俞國華-於梨華-李菊花-余俊-余天-高俊明-明天-?豫-?坤-?乾-"Young.Phone.Ing.Way." - "NG.國.Phone"-吳國豐(王彩菊 husband)-"蘇武.Phone."(余俊's son-in-law;余玲's husband; notice 余玲-王彩菊-王羽-柴玲-余俊)-郭陽明(713-721-1143 713-988-9000)-吳郭魚-鱸魚-盧秉郁(her English name Ping Horsley, her husband James Hrsley, 281-782-3529, 281-376-6188, 18107 Colonial Forest Circle, Spring, TX 77379)-?豫有?-沉魚落雁-嚴樂-于佑任-于斌-余陳月英-陳?豫-陳露-陳清煙(more than ten years ago, he's Taiwan government official PingPong coach in Guatemala city, at that time his phone#83425 in Guatemala City, he's very close to JungShiauLin and had visited to the Kenswick house where my kids and I had lived in Humble between 1986-1996)-陳菊--"Young.Phone.Ing.Way."-"龍.Phone.Pay"-魏瓏瓏-龍井-精神-經營之神(王永慶's nickname known publicly)-魏京生-陸培才-柴玲-余玲 酒店兼職-王彩菊-王羽-陸羽-陸羽茶莊-茶葉-葉清萍(吳彩花's husband or late husband)-吳彩花-葉宗祈(I saw him in Guatemala city before 1985 together with JungShiauLin's brother JungYaoLin's wife YoungLeadJyuan, JungShiauLin told me that 葉宗祈 was shot to death in Panama City 2003 or 2004 when I was living in Honduras.JungShiauLin had his cell phone number in China looked like 13701602378 or 13901602378)-吳玉林-李玉燕-王麗燕-汪麗燕-陳燕燕-李妍-李艷秋-秋謹-王士瑾(her English name Jenny Ho, Ho is her ex-husband 何華山 last name)-樂詩川-"穿.Jean.Die銀"-林銀-王秋影(童永輝's wife)-邱智代(蕭明賢's wife; notice Angus Tung's song "The Seventh Year" song words Chinese sounding as "Jane.Jane.*Ming.Xian*" as 明賢)-戴笠-張笠(林文傑 ex-wife)-張穎川(蔣淑艷's husband)-虞夏花(English name Linda Chwee)-虞夏生-花生-生花妙筆-林妙齡(陸培才's wife)-林渺山(JungShiauLin's brother JungYaoLin's "Mean.How".)-吳妙振-逼真-陛下-鄭金花(Therefore, I suspect that 嚴樂 using her name T.T.money to where ever, not only trying to cheat the China or Taiwan Public Official Owned share holders but also using her name to send secret code)-鄔鏡華-鄔錦華-鄔鏡貴(譚陽's ex-husband)-王貴英(王永慶 and 張寶珠's daughter)-鄧碧霞(she's my parents 八堵 housed next door neighbor's daughter, she's years older than me, she sounding like虞夏花 and 虞夏花's sister 虞小娥) -鄧禹平(李美珍's ex-husband)-郭月霞(林榮泰's wife, JungShiauLin's sister-in-law, 郭月珍 and 郭月星 and 郭銅鑪's sister,郭金生's daugher, 郭金生 looked like 王永慶)-郭金生( 郭月珍 and 郭月星 and 郭月霞 and 郭銅鑪's dad, he looked like王永慶)-碧血-王雪玉(it said she's 王永慶 close relative, she changed her name and worked or working as real estate agent in California; I saw 魏瓏瓏 heard her name showed sounding like she's her 陛下) You need to start you busy killing duty now, first kill all female who ever had or have talked in person with Angus Tung after 2003. Yes, I say EVERY FEMALE ever talked with Angus Tung in person after 2003 must be killed, yes, that including Angus Tung's ex-wife, those female dressed animals ever whored on staged with him after 2003, those females looked like his out of minded fans yet indeed the worst form of shameless "Huang.Whore" gangs, do not fooled by any female fan's clean appearance looked in front you, always keep in mind if not looked like goody goody how could she fooled liars like Hillary(she's bigger liar than Bill Clinton, just check how she fooling or flirting Hollywood to sir with cash in) and Bill Clinton? Yes, that including Condi Rice and George Bush junior's wife or Dick 591Cheney's wife if the wifes had talked to Angus Tung in person after 2003. As White House female residents to allow "Huang.Whore" Angus Tung to get that close to herself alone already stupid bad ugly evil enough to deserve be killed. Taiwan military, you must be brave to help Mainland China and USA to kill those "Huang.Whore" FEMALE criminals or suspected criminals, because you are the only one who has no official relationship with both of them with the ability capable to do like that.Angus Tung be forced (in this world, we can only have freedom to do good things, whore on stage is an acting of body sale rooted to slave crimes, Angus Tung has whored on staged, he has no right to nose up to call freedom, shame on his shamelessly "TenAnMan" linked song " June 4th I still a.lie [a definition of whore]". Yes, Mainland Chinese too stupid bad ugly evil or too weak to stand up, however, weakness, stupidity not their fault, kids did not have freedom to choose their born land, government should not allow those "Whore" like Angus Tung or those "Whore.Sway" like "Phone.FAke.FAke" to dragon them speedily down to the hole; government should either jail them to do all they can to educate them to grow, or just nuke them once for all to make sure they don't fall further low.)to come to live with me may be (I say may be, because I am preparing Angus Tung may not indeed love me like I "THOUGHT"- that means I don't think by myself, I just do my best to please God and wait for God's call. Because thinking all the time by self like Chinese said "1.Sean.Chin.Yuan", like buddhist said "Huang.Jean." that falling you into "Cool.High.5.Byan.". ) good to my son too, because I sensed that my son deep inside his heart disgusting me, I have been a very good mom to my son as per my own point of view, I have stayed home for his order, he is a very good mankind son, does not ever slave his stupid moron mom, I am a good mom, I have done all I can to be a good mom, I don't like to take care kids, but I have done all I can to stay home for them before I have been doing that from my heart to please our True Loving God, I don't like to do house work, I don't like cook, those dislikeness looked sounding like not good, but it indeed good for the boy future mankind so that he can tolerate other good woman good natural laziness, I think the best I have done as a mom is "doing nothing" - this may explain how come "laziness" is good natural for woman; I don't gossip, I don't force (this may explain how come Bible said that God told Adam and Eve not to eat from apple tree, not to eat is an doing nothing way); I don't gossip to my son, I don't force or order my son, 膠原蛋白I don't know why or how my son got so deepest disgusting to me. I guess most likely because JungShiauLin trashed(It was an unforgotable image that JungShiauLin hit me on the floor and stepped me to force me motionless like he did prepare the fish as his sashime meat, I can understand my son effected by that ugly scene to have difficulty to respect [respecting cannot get by force, can only rely on the time to speak for you. This may explain how come all the recent terms of US President chosen to appear personally in front of the Congress to speak the State of Union to show US President respect any one lacking of respecting of his speech to the degree that unwilling to give him a bit of courtesy applause. Therefore, I think Chinese and Latin American need to take a close look about so called "禮", abusiing of 禮 is worse than abusing of Freedom, because abusing of Freedom has nothing to do with hypocrite, abusing of 禮 is an acting of committing the crime of hypocrite that will be sooner or later falling you all down to hells. ] me again, I just hope my shameful fall can get a positive return that my children will all have the determination to leave no kids or no blood behind.) me too low to get my kids to keep their natural respecting to me. May be Angus Tung mankind heart can help him to know that his mom is not a trash, his mom is God dearest good girl. The reason that Angus Tung may be good to my son, because I cannot in a fair and balance stand to speak for myself in front of my son, because I gave birth to my son already showed bad enough for my son to disgust me. Therefore, I hope my son remember his own disgusting feeling of his mom long enough to make him determine his wife or his only love woman must not give any birth to experience his mom's shameful path. Tough life has the most advantage point to help us see death the real like that is free from body jailed form if you know your life in earth have got Chinese said "無愧於心" score. This may explain how come woman better not leave her private place so that to least the risk to face the must situation to fight for righteousness, because to get "無愧於心" score, every one must take side with the righteous that fits his or her hearted eyes. "無愧於心" - Chinese so called "Chain" belongs to so called "身.Y.Zhi.5", you handed your money out of your pocket to others, you must see that money not belongs to you any more if you dare use God's name to fool any one, this is why God and Satan agreeing to use me to demand Taiwan military kill all Reader Digest current and previous workers, share holders and their slaves, partners once for all. Yes, kill all of them, their workers, their CEO share holders, slaves and 買屋 partners, individual good or evil does not matter, because every man and woman sooner or later will leave body jail behind not mention out of human being creatures.Military must follow the One who deserves your eyes to do "寧可.War.Fool.Ten.Shot.Ren. Boot.可.Ten.Shot.Ren.Fool.War.". 曹操(How come "Chu.Good.Liang" sided with "6.Bay"? Most likely because 曹操 killed "Young.Show" showed he lacked of "6.Bay" could foresee that you can live long only when your enemy has good better best mankind live long life) could have had had been that "Dean.Ten.Lead.Deed" superman to have had made the man made paradise in Chinese land if he had had got married a good woman like me. Therefore, you should know how heavy crimes that or those female dressed animal(s) that had or has tangled with Angus Tung; how serious crimes that JungShiauLin "Mean.Zhi.Goo(se).Fun" to have had rushed loveless me to have had to trapped into his evil minded marriage hells. Woman keeps in mind, do not chase any man, do not initiate sex flirt, if she does, she must prepare to have guts to meet deadly ahead. Therefore, you should know that Condi Rice's deadly ahead too deep to tell. Because Judge Clearance(correct my spelling if needed) hearing must demand her accountable to know the flirting crimes, former France President bending to her claw(s) must have had to tell her guilt. If you lack of the clear mind to know Condi Rice crimes deserve to die, you lack of the guts to help her to die, you are not qualifying to be General in any place around the world. Man cannot fully grow up till he has the lighted heart to make love with his only love. Therefore, you should know how heavy the crime that ChuChaoRen had committed to rape a good woman like me. Hell is a too good place to suitable evil criminal ChuChaoRen. Like Chinese said "男不跟女鬥", he dislike her or disagree with her, he must do all he can to avoid to see her face, if she keeps chase him to show up in front of him to make him no place to hide, he must do self-defense to kill her for the sake of the rest of the good mankind future. This may explain for extreme self-protection, woman better wears clothes to cover her face to avoid to show up in front of any known or unknown dislikeliness in any expected or unexpected places.Therefore, government official public school teachers, you must do your duty to tell all boy how important his only love can help him to grow up to his tallest, when he meets his only love girl friend, he must have the brave to tell her, and after he has the luck to get her accepted him, he must guard her with his all time long so that he can grow up to reach to the sky high after she died inside his arms tightly love. Therefore, I realized that because 西服woman is indeed second to man, therefore, only man can hold her after she good enough grown him high to reach the sky back to heavenly home; a man loves a good woman lifetime hold her with his true loving heart, he will grow up high to reach the sky and hold his only love woman together back to heavenly home like the time when the man was earth holding the worm sinked in the hells; a man loves a woman not good enough to grow him up high, as long as he truely loves her with his life, she truely loves him with her life and she's younger than him within his birth year cycle, she died inside his arms with his full love, he can hold her in the between to save her from falling into hells; if the woman he loves too young to fit his birth cycle, and she loves him with her life too, they will become Mandarin duck; there's no chance for an older woman be loved by younger man to be held by him back to the heaven or stay in the between or swim like a pair of mardain ducks, therefore, man must not waste time to chase any woman who's older than him. Single woman who unfortunately left alone can only rely on herself good enough to see God's love to die lightly(this may explain how come woman must stay in her private place out of duty, so that she can have the best chance back to heaven, by herself if unfortunately left alone or inside her sweetheart's arms if she so luckily died lightly "了無遺憾") to fly back to the heaven, woman is second to man, woman can only take care herself, no way to fly him together back to heaven. Man may have so many other things to take away his love, therefore, to have the AMERICAN time to PLEASE his Only Love WOMAN is the best luck he can have in the whole universal AT LARGE. 男人是女人的全部, 如果必須賣唱維生 也一定要帶 his only love woman夫唱婦隨. Yes, it is distasteful(Why distasteful? Because that must mean that woman he loves too suck [Therefore, Angus Tung, your shameness has your own to be blamed, because if I am your only love woman, you whore on stage already shamed on me, you lack of the guts to disclose your real age in front of China Communist female dressed animals that Sold out stupid bad ugly evil ?豫有? one of female dressed animal Oprah Winfred{shame on Oprah Winfred, lacking of the professional ethics to demand her slaves must not be allowed to question any guests ages} slaves " 陳?豫" the big mouth to "Zhi.Sun.Mar.Why" to congratuate one of your fan's younger "Tie.Tie"{http://6.cn/watch/479645.html}, you cannot be honest about your age, you should not trap yourself to face those stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animals "陳?豫" alike to allow them to shame on good woman like me, you lack of the strength to insist silent nice, you lack of the guts to shoot 房屋出租 those female dressed animals back to demand them to disclose the real ages of themselfs, the ages of their boy friends, the ages of their husbands first before asking about your age or any one of the guests, you chose the worst path acting like "7.Sun.Pot.Ugly", you should come to my place "Food.Jean.Chin.Jway", you should not keep shamelessly whore in front of public place or public screen or on any stages; if I am not your only love woman, you deserved your CD buyers shame on you; you obviously showed no problem to make living from CD DVD income, why disgustingly whore on stage to hail those stupid bad ugly evil weak and wicked? Therefore, Taiwanese, you need to tell HongKong law makers that the problem must be Mainland Chinese woman, because you can check how Angus Tung falling down during this short period of time from June or July 2006 he came out to announce his "Tung Chow Gong JUne" upto 象山 “半?之夜”大型演唱?"; it not just happened to Angus Tung, it not just happened to JungShiauLIn, it happened to US current President George Bush junior also{you can check the record to get the facts how George Bush junior has fallen down after he back from Mainland China}, Mainland Chinese female dressed animals already showed not real humanbeing, they are worse than real female animals, you should kill all of them if you find anyone of them happening appearance in your land. It is a self defense must needed, because Angus Tung and JungShiauLin have been among the most moral value men, Angus Tung's among the best mankind, another's among the most evil; the evil man is very important for your country, because the evil man is the only one can grow your evil woman that evil enough to grow up to see the real evil for all of you.Because evil woman is a stupid loveless woman falling to bad ugly evil then see the God's love to become the servant of God and Satan. Therefore, she can have the ability like Chinese said "Ying.Young.Yan". Therefore, when EVil Man like JungShiauLin fallen in Mainland China, you should know that Mainland Chinese woman's evilness is uncurable; you can check how Oprah Winfred harmlessly existed in USA, how "陳?豫" sucked in your stupid bad ugly evil Chinese linked area. Mainland Chinese female, you should have the brave to see your own sicks, keep yourself within your own Mainland Chinese man, do not contact with any man came from HongKong, Taiwan, USA, or any other place, because they have no immune system to deal with your sick, you sicked all mankind that entered your place, your own country cannot have tomorrow.Therefore, Mainland China, for your own tomorrow sake, you should send your military aircraft to flight back all your female citizens that already spread around the world, do not leave anyone of them to bi 房屋買賣te you back, you must do your best to ship all of them back to make up your previous sucks, if you choose convenient way to leave them to die like Nationalless slaves, your deadly ahead too dark to know at this point. Mainland China, your tomorrow rely on how well done you can ship back all your female citizens that spread around the world, because the best well done not only can show your good will but also show the highest abled military fact in front of the whole world. I feel sad if Angus Tung indeed fallen down in your place that even his true love good woman like present me cannot have the power to make him back; I have no problem to see you suck JungShiauLin to dive to die, because evil loveless woman to get to see God must have had a mom like mine to have disciplined her with tough love since the moment she was born into this world, that kind mom "可遇不可求".There's no female born as winner, woman's win or lose all rely on the man she can meet, when female trained to eat mankind up, no one can be winner,all losers; to get female to grow up to see God, you must not spoil any one of them, spoil bret can only grow her become vampire like Condi Rice and "Lo Yen" alike, you can check Condi Rice and LoYen young and restless time, they both were better than me at that time, but the older the lower they are following, they wore little make up when they were young, they did not have the strength to keep their better view than me, they following the stupid bad ugly evil my foolish time sucks, I growing wiser, they enlarged their evil deeds. I am not smarter than them, the only difference is my mom raised me up with tought love, they are spoil brets. In this so called civil world,you cannot have tough love mom like my mom to discipline evil girl like Lo Yen,Condi Rice or me, therefore, you don't need evil male like JungShiauLin any more.] to grow him up; therefore, you should know how come you must kill all female that ever personally contacted with Angus Tung after the year 2003, because today or yesterday Angus Tung their victim, tomorrow you don't know who the next, could be yourself, your dad, your brother, your son, your President, Your General, you name the rest for yourselfs.Therefore, you should know How I have been blessed by God's love blocking me from falling into that suck; I am not smarter than anyone of those female dressed animals who had hailed-hell Angus Tung, all I have done is to please God's order not to chase him personally by myself no matter how hardship and agony attacked under love sick to me.), this may explain how come God has blessed the mankind to have the intelligent to make CD DVD to help 必須賣唱維生的 to sell products instead of 現身賣. This may explain how come "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" must have had to demand self th 景觀設計e highest moral value, because "5.1.Lay.聚.", "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay." "5.1..G.Zhi.Chang", your body cannot last the time test, therefore, you must have the most mankind work together with you to make sure they don't eat you bonelessly leaving you movelessly to die, therefore, you must have the highest moral value to get the best mankind agents to willing to guard your interests to help you to be able to have fair shares of the profits from your produce to make decent lifetime. There's no way for any "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" can stand the time test, because not only our body jail will sooner or later like ashes gone with the wind, the recorded voice most likely be faked like you can easily find in the web site that Angus Tung's unique voice already faked by some disgusting copy cat. And you have no way to trace the genius voice back like you trace history events or logical common sense reasonable back. Angus Tung has expressed eagerly commitment to seek Chinese traditional music back, I think he should first to check the web site to see how much his own recorded voice already faked cannot find his unique "Way.Dow.". Why those evil doers spent so much time to fake Angus Tung's voice? Because they don't want any one better than them standing in front of them. See! "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay." has no way to stand the time test, even their own "Bi.Lay" does not want good better best among themselfs to get the chance to last long to voice out of the ceiling time.This may explain how come Chinese said "說的比唱的好.Tin", because there's no way to fake your speech, anyone is welcome to read your speech, evil doers have no way to fake your speech to show up their slaves to make money or fame. Not mention "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay." like Angus Tung is too stupid bad ugly evil to know that Japanese style he so called "青春手卷" cannot be better than most popular Chinese vegetable wrapped fried egg roll that I have eaten in a Japanese Chinese Buffet Restaurant. Just see how much longer time the fried egg roll can "Lead.Yu.Boot.Bi.Zhi.Deed.". Not mention how good the skillful "見仁見智". "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" is always loser, even 見Dow仁見Dow智, still missing "說的比唱的好.Tin" important point to tell stupid bad ugly evil China Communist suckers that 國語歌曲singer winner must first be good enough to show 國語標準之音, ?大佑 "Be.Boot.上" 李宗盛 so obviously, not mention ?曲1990----?大佑 "Meat.Meet之音" too suck to compare with "真心英雄". Ture Love is not your "Sheng.Y.之.5." , "1.Dean.不.None.看破". Like Chinese said "是敵人不會是對手, 是對手不會是敵人", because your enemy can not afford to have the mercy to you to help you get the chance in the better position to win "知己知彼".   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 租房子  .

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